GLXN-Server Died. I lost Almost Everything.

> Uploaded By Galexion on March 16th, 2024

At Midnight on March 16th, 2024, GLXN-Server, which serves 90% of my services, and Relentless, which does another 7%, Both Suffered Software and Hardware Failures, with GLXN-Server and it’s associated hardware being considered Dead, and Decommissioned.

What Happened?

The Power-strip for All 3 of my Servers, GLXN-Server, Relentless, and Gate-One, was tripped by one of my bags that I use on the go, and when realizing there was ongoing downtime right next to me, I immediately switched it back on, and opon monitoring Network traffic and the usual noises, I noticed that GLXN-Server was not posting. After switching the power-supply, and pulling all non-essential components, I eventually reached the conclusion that the Dell Poweredge T110 II’s Motherboard had either corrupted itself, or died, as the computer refused to POST. Upon trying to mount the Hard Drive using a different system, that too was revealed to have died, meaning none of the data from GLXN-Server was not coming back unless I could pay hundreds of Dollars to send the drive off to a data recovery center.

When Assessing the damage to the network further, it was revealed that Relentless had also undergone a bug where all of the docker containers that were running under it had vanished, meaning that both (This Site), and my Mail Server, were also gone, though both of these services were the first to be revived thanks to the configuration and data for both being stored on Gate-One, the only unaffected server in this incident.

What Now?

Other then being offered help to temporarily have a cloud server replace GLXN-Server, and trying to scrape from google’s cache servers, I will need to rebuild the entirety of 2 Private Projects, My Main Site, and Many other resources. Thankfully nothing on MySQL would have been lost, had Gate-One been damaged as well, but nothing else on the Server infrastructure survived, so it’s going to take a bit to rebuild everything.

end of file



Song Quote / Practically a Halley Labs Advert at this point

a slow erosion
leaves a mark

to become woven
and we can scream into the dark

until it hears us
we want it near us
to help us fade

from: EGO GAMIFICATION - 𝅙 - Halley Hard Sound Unit (emma essex [cool site & music, check them out] )

Seriously Null Note Head kinda fucks hard, EGO GAMIFICATION's last 4 Minutes are a fucking banger especially.


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